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Reminders: Practicum Pract 41 and Prac 42 Submission of Final Requirements /Deadline

Picture of Catherine Carumba
Reminders: Practicum Pract 41 and Prac 42 Submission of Final Requirements /Deadline
by Catherine Carumba - Monday, 24 September 2018, 1:02 PM

To all Practicum 41 and Practicum42 students(First Sem 2018-2019)

Please be reminded  of your Final Requirements deadline :

Practicum 42 with EDP CODE : 

01214(adviser:Dr. Niñal) - on October 1, 2018(Monday);  at CCS office

01263 (adviser: Ms Amores)- on);  October 2, 2018(Tuesday) ; at CCS office

Practicum 41 with EDP CODE: 

01131(Advisers: Ms. Amores/Ms. Carumba) - on October 8, 2018(Monday),   @CCS office

01164(Advisers: Dr. Niñal/Ms. Carumba) - on October  9, 2018(Tuesday)   @ CCS office

01107(Advisers: Ms. Ybañez/Ms. Carumba) -  on  October  10, 2018(Wednesday), @ CCS office

36996(Advisers: Mr. Ferolino/Ms. Carumba) - on October  11, 2018(Thursday), @ CCS office;  

For your list of Final requirements, please refer to your Practicum Manual. 

When filling-in your documents, please write eligibly.

Submit the documenttogether with your Practicum Manual  on the above-specified-dates.

Wear your Practicum Uniform -Type A and Nameplate .

Please be reminded that submitting beyond the deadline will not be accepted and therefore  Final Grades will automatically be DR.