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Capstone42 Groups whose verdict is AWR(Second Sem 2020-2021

Picture of Catherine Carumba
Capstone42 Groups whose verdict is AWR(Second Sem 2020-2021
by Catherine Carumba - Friday, 14 May 2021, 2:30 PM

Capstone Groups whose verdict is AWR:

Please follow these instructions:
1.) Route your "Final Manuscript" and "Revised System" to a.)your adviser b.) panel 1 c.) panel 2 d.) chairman e) IT Research Coordinator. Implement all corrections.

2.) Have your final manuscript together with the approval sheet, bounded (lightblue with black or gold text )

3.) Submit the hardbound with the required CD/DVD and seek for Dean's signature in the "Approval Sheet". Deadline is May 24, 2021(Monday)

Note (To those who didn't make it): Even if you failed, but your groupmates passed, you should still continue to participate and complete the requirements. These requirements will still be asked from you when you enroll the subject again.